What is media literacy?

Media literacy is an important tool for people to gain understanding of the media messages they create. Media literacy allows people to make people objective and fair about the media messages they see. And thus not be misled.

Why is it important?

Because many media outlets nowadays no longer have accuracy as the first priority of information. They are more interested in exposure and speed. Therefore, it is important for everyone to have a certain level of media literacy.

Why is it dismissed?

Media literacy is a new concept. It is still in the development stage. As well as the expansion of information nowadays. People are easily confused by many messages. Some inflammatory ones also tend to make people lose their judgment.

Why should you aim for varied views but the factual consensus in your PLN?

Anyone has the right to express his or her own opinion. Not necessarily their own views are completely correct. And other people’s different views can help us to see ourselves. Doubt about ourselves can sometimes help us understand new things.